Communicating Concerns

Your immediate supervisor may be your first point of contact for communicating ethics and compliance concerns or potential violations. They are typically in the best position to understand the nature of your concern and to initiate the appropriate resolution process warranted by the situation.
If you feel uncomfortable discussing with your supervisor, they may seek alternative communication sources (i.e. your supervisor’s manager or the primary director of your location). Ultimately the Ethics Officer or any member of the Executive Staff team is a resource for discussion, feedback and reporting.
Violations, and potential violations, must be reported at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure the most effective and timely correction.
Click to Read How to Report a Concern
In person, by phone, email or letter
Consider the most appropriate option in contacting:
- Your immediate supervisor
- Your supervisor’s manager
- Primary Director at your location
- Ethics Officer
- A member of the Executive Team
Any information provided will be taken seriously and the concern will be investigated in a sensitive fashion with due regard for the confidentiality of the person reporting it and those persons potentially associated with the concern.
If an employee wishes to remain anonymous, they may elect to report their concern through the third-party confidential fraud, waste and abuse reporting line (833) 558-1930 or by completing an online submission at No personal identification inquiries will be made.